ADJUGO helps you change
Want verandering wordt de enige constante
The fast pace of change
The world is changing forever faster, unpredictably, threatening our way of life and our way of working. Maybe you feel the stress, and many colleagues go in burnout.
Successful organizations need to cope with this fast change. Lean-agile methodologies provide the framework and processes.
we also need to take the people along on this journey. Change is too
often a threat in hierarchical organizations, draining energy and
provoking resistance. Burnout is a real issue. We need to change the way we manage organizations.
Je hebt het misschien zelf meegemaakt, een grote
verandering in je leven. Verandering is lastig, desoriënterend, pijnlijk,
bedreigend zelfs. Maar verandering kan ook hoop brengen, een einde aan een
foute toestand stellen of aan verveling en eentonigheid, kan zelfs opwindend
We helpen je om de vervelende verandering te vermijden en brengen in de plaats het soort verandering dat energie brengt, met een positieve focus en gesteund door sterke teams. En vooral: we helpen je om van deze vaardigheid om te veranderen zonder stress een hoeksteen van je organisatie te maken.
Waar wil je uitkomen?
Wanneer we bijvoorbeeld
je agile maturity meten, gaat het niet om de score.
We helpen je om te kijken naar wat je al bereikt hebt en
definiëren de eerstvolgende stappen die je kan nemen in de juiste richting.
Kleine, agile stapjes... Maar je gaat wel vooruit.
Do not manage change, invite to travel together
Change is often a bumpy ride. Stressful when imposed on us and when we have little impact.
Successful change requires motivation, positivity, willingness to go through difficult times as a tightly knit team. We can help you with motivational conversations, solution-oriented coaching, group exercises that clarify what everybody thinks and allows discovering common ground.
We approach change in an agile way: determine what will bring value, implement the change in small steps, frequently inspect where we are and reflect on what went well and what we can improve.
We want to create strong, resilient “high-performance” teams. Not for the performance, but because they are highly motivating and can handle change really well.
We accompany you on your journey
We will travel together for a while, like a mountain guide may. We have a backpack with tips and tools and knowledge that we offer for use. We do not tell you what to do, we share our knowledge and experience with you. We want you to learn the art yourself, so that you can travel ahead alone. Or we may help you again with some more difficult challenges you encounter further down the road. We are here for you.
Because one thing is certain, we will all be traveling. Change is a constant.