ADJUGO Refresher Day Team coaches
Friday May 13th (that is bold)    Kloosterhotel Zin in Vught (NL)
17 381

We were looking forward to the live "Refresher day for Team coaches" of Adjugo. After several online training days, 16 of us met in real life in picturesque Vucht. Remi-Armand, Karen & Jurgen welcomed us in a beautifully restored monastery where the walls breathe history and art. 

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The red ball, the common thread ... Connectedness

From the start, the common thread of the day turned out to be: throwing a red ball at each other, followed by a question for the other. As a symbol of connection between people when they find each other in real life.

This group of people never met in this 'constellation' before, but they are immediately able to form a self-organizing team for the day.  As a participant you will experience the effectiveness of the working methods and insights from all team coaching training days together: now refreshed again, put into live practice, and deepened on this return day.

We have an empty program ...

The first assignment for the newly formed team: put together the day’s agenda. In half an hour the job was done: choosing from the possible workshops, introducing yourself to what helps you to coach your teams or what you want to practice or deepen in a safe environment.

The absolute strength of Adjugo is that on top of the TeamGrowing methods they can offer all their knowledge and many years of practical experience in scrum, lean, kanban, agile,... . This allows them to frame issues in a broad context or, where necessary, to zoom in on specific challenges. You feel that you are in the hands of experts!

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Program of the day

Quarterly alignment

1.                   What are the four crucial steps of quarterly planning?

Empathy mapping

What does your customer want? Step into the shoes of that customer, get into his thinking and experience of the world.

Effective decisions for large groups

Start with an effective proposal that has emerged from the entire group

The Values Game

What is the undercurrent in a team and how do we get from 'brainstorm to plan'?

Spiral dynamics

An elaboration of team dynamics, combining and extending Tuckman & Lencioni

The minefield

How can teams get in the way of their collaboration? How can they work better together?

Practicing coaching

1.                  Zoom in on ORCS:

ORCS – Open questions, Reflections, Confirmation & Synthesis


1.                   Getting started with your case in the Klinik method

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Collaboration in a minefield

This exercise is close to reality: it was  against the clock and under pressure to deliver, so we do not always hear the message of the other person or we do not want to dwell on it. We had to pull the plug when someone said she dropped out.
We came out stronger as a team.
– I found this very confronting.
– It showed for me as an observer the enormous power of a good retro."

Collection of quotes from participants in the Minefield Exercise.

TeamGrowing for management teams

Adjugo moves on... we have also started an effective program for leadership teams.

If you want to get your team moving from an intrinsic motivation, we propose targeted working methods to stimulate a company culture in which teams can take on responsibilities.

When your teams grow, grow along with them...

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